Insanity | Teen Ink


June 2, 2017
By Syd.Koenig SILVER, Telford, Pennsylvania
Syd.Koenig SILVER, Telford, Pennsylvania
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

You plead on my name,
but the scars you have physically afflicted say otherwise
How could I do it?
I am nothing more than a tightrope act between those
who are deemed fit for society and those who are not
I’ve done nothing yet the blood on your hands
Somehow made you the victim, and me the colporate
You believe that I’m mad, that I’m ill
Have a look at yourself.
You, many before you, and many after
Have blamed someone else for the crime you committed
Saying that I am the one who made you this way
Saying that I made the imbalance in your head
Saying that I ruined you
But what have you done to me?
You walked on the tightrope that I am
And fell on the side society disapproves
Why blame the rope?
Are you just trying to and get a second chance,
Claiming the rope was at fault

Plead on your own name.
Take responsibility for your fall.


Yours truly,

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