Obituary to my fishing boat | Teen Ink

Obituary to my fishing boat

May 26, 2017
By JennyMahachek BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
JennyMahachek BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After my fishing boat died and
Abandoned me in the middle of the three lakes chain o’ lakes,
I knew my days were limited
With my favorite form of transportation.
Although the rusty red boat
Lasted nearly three generations,
I will always remember the evenings
Musky fishing with my dad at dawn
Casting an oversized double treble hook bait out
Until it smacks the water
And creates the one and only ripple on the glass calm surface
While the sun slowly sinks below the trees surrounding the shore line
And reflects a rainbow of rich oranges and yellows
Mixed with warm reds and pinks
Back into our eyes gazing in awe
At the little taste of heaven Mother Nature created all those nights.
I remember parking the boat in the withering old shore station,
In which the metallic red fishing boat felt safe at home.
My grandpa would tell you it was the most reliable boat you'll ever see,
And follow that with a very convincing but made up story
About the vigorous battle he endured
Catching more fish than you could even dream of catching
And finish by reinforcing his strict fillet and release policy.
My dad would tell you about getting stuck in the boat
In the middle of a raging storm
Trying to safely drive us kids home
Through the 3 foot swells plummeting into the boat while
Blinded from the storm that ruthlessly pelted him with rain
Which felt more like being shot with a thousand airsoft bullets then rain.
My mom would tell you about the days,
When all the neighbor kids spent every waking moment
Playing king of the raft
And nagging the parents to take them skiing and tubing
Until the last drop of gas was gone
In that big ol’ red fishing boat.
My uncle left his secrets in the boat's gps,
Unknowingly revealing all the best and highly confidential fishing spots
Each one accompanied by a different story of the monster fish he caught
And sometimes the one that got away.
But mostly we cherish the countless hours
Of life advice shared between family
And random deep conversations sparked by the tranquility of the boat
And the stories that will live on forever.
Like photos,
Boats carry timeless sentimental value and memories
That will never be forgotten.
In memory of the old red fishing boat,
Please come down to 6107 east big lake loop
And share the memories it left with you.

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