Education | Teen Ink


May 26, 2017
By kyahgislason BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
kyahgislason BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you think education is terrible, think twice.

All those hours you put into a day, mean something.

We all grow up, so why not get a good headstart by a good education.

Education really matters: it helps get you into a good college, and career.

but, most importantly, it helps define who you are as a person, it helps to express your talents and skills you had no idea you had. 

It's better to have a good education and find out what you are meant to do, instead of waiting for that perfect career to find you.

So just keep in mind, education really does matter even when you don't think it does. 

All the early mornings and late nights will all be worth it when you start to experience college. 

All of the true friendships you have made, were all because of school.

When you are headed to college, remember that you will create many more friendships and memories that can last you a lifetime. 

The author's comments:

I was inspired to do this poem, because I have learned that education really is something important and can take you far in the future. 

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