The Forgotten Heroes of Theatre | Teen Ink

The Forgotten Heroes of Theatre

May 18, 2017
By kkitchen BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
kkitchen BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them."

I hear the theatre erupting with the noisy chaos from drama’s unsung and forgotten heroes.
The stage managers’ click of their shoes and the alarm to compel the performers for their places,
The light technicians furiously typing on the light board to brighten in time for the next scene,
The makeup crew applying the last coat of lipstick to the actor who ultimately will change makeup in around ten minutes.
The costume crew making every actor look pristine and perfect like a doll until the actor’s next scene or character, 
The set crew placing every set piece directly on the spike tape, so the actors will not trip or fall.
This applause is not only for the actors but also to you, crew and backstage help.
Without you, there would be no show, so from the bottom of every actor’s heart, thank you.


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