Distress | Teen Ink


May 19, 2017
By Zanahoria BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
Zanahoria BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Distress ran through his maze-like world
drinking a cocktail of panic, sadness, and frustration.

Could he escape? Would he ever see his family again?
He had been this way… or had he.
Thoughts of collapsing walls and lack of oxygen filled his head

The dark walls made his heart so heavy that it pulled the tears out of
his eyes.
The same eyes that used to stare at his children.
Why did he have to get stuck here?

This was all his fault
Why was he so ignorant?
He struck the iron wall with all his force
only igniting the fire within.

Distress stumbled on.

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