peace | Teen Ink


May 16, 2017
By Anonymous

It seems to be a bird,
newly hatched,
protected by its mother’s wing.
Peace is the sun,
bearing light to us all.
Peace is the old, broken chair
you rest in when you’re tired.

However, peace is not
the lion’s roar,
nor is it the rough storm,
causing chaos,
and breaking up families.
Peace is not a clock,
counting every second.

Peace is not the reckless fire,
burning all it touches.
Peace is the fire,
that gives off warmth.

Peace is a house of cards,
relying on one another to stay up.
Peace is to not surrender.
Peace is a disease that
spreads faster everyday.
Yet people still look for cures,
all around us.

The author's comments:

It's about the current issues of peace in the world right now.

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