A Girl of Colors | Teen Ink

A Girl of Colors

May 16, 2017
By gharris BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
gharris BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a girl who shone so bright
She possessed all the colors of the world and more

Her smile all of the warmest colors
As though the Sun's rays had graced you
With the loveliest Spring day
All beautiful petals and singing birds and gorgeously endless skies

Her laugh beautiful hues of
Green and purple and blue
The sweetest tune
Softly humming in your ear
And beautifully singing to your soul

Her heart so golden and kind
Full of the brightest and softest light
That when it was to shine
It gave only warmth and safety and happiness

There was a girl who shone so brightly
She possessed all the colors of the world and more

But with each person she met
They each took a color
Stole her warm smile and soothing laugh
And her heart of gold
And she was left only with grey

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