Kick It | Teen Ink

Kick It

May 16, 2017
By masonbosley12 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
masonbosley12 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Saturday morning,
I wake up, 8 AM sharp.
The sun is out, my day has begun.
Most kids would still be sleeping,
But not me.

I grab every device I can find—
My computer, my phone, my mom’s phone—
And log on to the same site

8:45, and the queue screen pops up.
Now, I play the waiting game.
I’m hungry, but I don’t get up
For fear of missing out
On this new release.

After what feels like hours,
I’m in.

Fast as I can,
I select my size,
Type out my info,
And click confirm.
I’ve done it.
“You’ve scored big”, says the website.
“I know”, I reply.

The author's comments:

In case you could't tell, this is a poem about buying sneakers on the internet. This may not sound interesting, but it is. Hopefully this poem can show you how not boring it is.

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