Everything is Real | Teen Ink

Everything is Real

May 12, 2017
By joannaperez BRONZE, Waco, Texas
joannaperez BRONZE, Waco, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing holds you back more than your own insecurities."

Everything is real.
Even, God.
Also, the Devil himself.

We all have demons inside us, around us, everywhere.
Angels battle these demons to protect us.
But, if you ever wonder, why you are still getting attacked by these demons, it's because you are letting them.

You are letting them by not praying to the lord.

Jesus can take them all away.
Not only that, but provide you with peace.
Even provide you with the most amazing gift.

Eternal life.

Unlike the Devil.
The Devil gives you fear, jealousy, depression, anxiety and that's not all.

But the worst thing he can give you is eternal torment.

Seek God.
Pray to Jesus, and you won't ever have to go through that.

The author's comments:

I hope people will seek God and experience all the amazing things he can do, like I did. 

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