Spoken Word | Teen Ink

Spoken Word

May 9, 2017
By kevin.vohra BRONZE, South Riding, Virginia
kevin.vohra BRONZE, South Riding, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking through the halls 
Trying not to fall
Trying to fit in with this trends but it's all just pretend
Why do I care about what my friends say?
Why do people care about the way I dress?
Sometimes people take things in completely different ways.
Without even trying to be rude we can easily say some offending stuff “You look nothing like your pictures”
“I'm not a catfish like you”
“You act so young for your age”

“You act too old for your age”
“You should wear your glasses more often”
“You should mind your business more often”
“You're smarter than you look”
“Thanks you’re a lot dumber than you look”
“You should get some sun”
“You should get some friends”
You might say i'm just being aggressive
But I just have to send that message
“You should smile more”
“You should smile less nobody likes seeing george washington's teeth ”
“You can come if you want”

“Sorry I don't hang out with snakes”
“You look better when you wear make up”
“You should try wearing some as well”
“ If I was in your shoes I would lose my mind.”
“You couldn’t even fit in my shoes”
“Do I look good in this dress?”
“Have you ever considered hitting the gym”
These are just some of the “compliments” you hear everyday
We are the future of tomorrow
Instead of dragging each other down let's lift each other up

We are all the same
So let's stop playing games
Its 2017
Most of us are in our late teens
But are still acting like we are thirteen
Don't be cruel
don't play the fool
We are not alone
So let them groan
Everyone deals with people in their own way
Sometimes you just gotta have a mind of one’s own
And enjoy the cyclone

We all have gone through a lot
Life isn't fair
But sometimes you need to care and share your thoughts
So you can hit the jackpot
Now this is the plot
Stay away from pot
Cause you might get shot
It's too hot
And I hope you're within earshot
So you can hear my hotshot rhymes

This ain't no crime
Because i'm in my prime
During springtime
Past halftime
But is it schooltime or wartime
Why can't it just be lunchtime
Sometimes I wish it was nighttime
It the meantime let's get some downtime
Cause it's bedtime in my mind

The author's comments:

This piece was very cool, because I deal with negetive comments from a lot of people and I deal with it by not letting people get to me. 

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