The girl | Teen Ink

The girl

May 5, 2017
By Tatizamudio GOLD, Wilmington, California
Tatizamudio GOLD, Wilmington, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brown hair, tan skin, green eyes, with full lips.
She sits by her window gazing up at the moon,
Her head is swarming with ideas of you.
She doesn’t say a word, but her face says it all,
She wants to cry, but her eyes say no.
She wants to die, but her heart says no.
She sits by her window gazing up at the moon,
Hoping to escape, to escape from you.

She watches the clouds in the afternoon.
Lays on her porch, trying to forget you.
She is damage, her heart is in two,
All this pain, this pain is because of you.
Brown hair, tan skin, green eyes, with full lips.

She never smiles, because you took her happiness.
She never laughs, because you took her joy.
She never speaks, because you took her voice.
She never shines, because you took her soul.
She never looks the same, the same as before,
Because of you.

Because of the way you slowly killed her.
Because of the way you tore her apart.
Because of the way you entered her life.
Because of the way you touched her heart.
The brown hair, tan skin, green eyed, full lips girl that you loved, is no more.

She is damaged, but seeks not to be fix.
She is hurting, but want’s no love.
She is alone, but want’s no company.
She is alive, but want’s to die.

She is the girl that you loved,
the one you left behind when you entered and exit her life.
Brown hair, tan skin, green eyes, with full lips,
She Is The Girl.

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