Getaway Car to Stop Light | Teen Ink

Getaway Car to Stop Light

April 28, 2017
By just-another-poet GOLD, Neenah, Wisconsin
just-another-poet GOLD, Neenah, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

Dear Stop Light,
you’ve got another thing coming
if you think I’ll stop
when you see me running
I’ve got a purpose
I’ve got a plan
this is a one-guy job
and I’m the man
I was built for this
don’t take it personally
if you’re ignored in the blitz
I’m a rebel
a runner
my favorite hobbies
are burning rubber and
making coppers shudder
make ‘em wonder
“Hey! Who’s that?”
as they race from the jailhouse
those lazy fat cats
can’t catch this mouse
call me Speedy Gonzalez
I’ll be gone sin paradas
and ‘til I’m home free and
counting my cash
I won’t look back
and that’s a fact, Jack
so don’t try to stop me
I’ll be gone before you count to 3
nice to see ya
have a good day
maybe later i’ll choose to obey
or maybe that’s just
wishing on a star
either way,

kindest regards,
The Getaway Car

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