Together | Teen Ink


May 4, 2017
By Abraham D. BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
Abraham D. BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are nothing, but a figment of my imagination.
You do not exist. I have created you, but I don’t want you anymore.
I cannot destroy something so beautiful,
you are beautiful.
Like a flower that has withered and will no longer grow,
and I want you to grow.
Without me.

But darling you’re a flame and I want to burn in your happily ever after
Because we can be happy, forever.
After all your embers  engulf me and reduce me to
An ashen frame,
I want you to take my bones and etch our names
Into a lonely oak.
You  will warm its trunks and
Sprout a home of vegetation

The clouds don’t always form the way
We expect them to.
Sometimes a typhoon masks itself as a squall,
Repressing its spiraling rainbands,
Silencing its roaring gales
To become something
It isn’t.

Maybe our roads were never intended to cross.
I followed the brightest star,
Because it felt right,
And it led me to you
Maybe there’s another you I should be
Looking for.
Or maybe there’s no you
At all.

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