Eyes in the Forest | Teen Ink

Eyes in the Forest

May 2, 2017
By Jeremy Romero BRONZE, Encinitas, California
Jeremy Romero BRONZE, Encinitas, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s been a long time, since I’ve seen you smile. When you entered these woods you were frightful but optimistic, you moved through the trees with a cautious confidence, as you explored the unknown, the abyss. I now see a different light in your eyes, I now see eyes that know pain darkness and fear. I know if I could get the water to settle in this endless lake of broken minds, I would see the same light I my own eyes, but luckily I cannot. These waters are forever moving, being pushed by the wind and having ripples sent through them by the violent drops of rain falling ceaselessly from the sky. There is no way for me to stare into the darkness of my own soul, and it is for that reason that I still have my sanity. If only I could restore the light to your eyes and show you the beauty that lies beneath these trees. If only there was any majesty to behold.

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