A Change Needs to Come | Teen Ink

A Change Needs to Come

April 26, 2017
By mbryant1011 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
mbryant1011 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We need to wake up from the daily nightmare of the world, and stand up for what is right
We need to wake up like Martin Luther King did when he gave his “I have a dream speech”
He didn't have a dream he was waking up from his dream. A dream for a better tomorrow
We all have a dream for a better tomorrow.
But in order to have a better tomorrow a change has to come.
One of my favorite songs is “A Change is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke
Like Sam Cooke says “It's been too hard living”
We spend everyday worrying whether or not we will make it home after work or school
We see our kids for 20 minutes in the morning before they catch the bus to school not knowing whether or not you will see them when they get off of school, then we are left in a time of mourning when we hear on the news that a school has been shot up and multiple kids are in fatal conditions. You rush to the to make sure your kid is alright but fall to your knees with your child when his best friend lost their life
We have parents afraid to let their kids leave the house because something bad might happen to them
We have people who show complete hate and evil
Like Dylan Roof on Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 who walked into Emanuel AME Church, where he shot and killed 9 people because of the color of their skin. Or the man in Orlando, Florida who shot and killed 49 people and wounded 53 others on June 12, 2016 because of their sexuality.
Jesus was sent here to spread love and rid us of our sin and hate
In St. John 13:34 it says “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another”
But let me say this, Martin Luther King Jr. didn't only fight so that African American men and women could sit anywhere on the bus they pleased
He didn't only fight so African Americans could feel comfortable in a bar room caucasians in it
He didn't only fight so that a black man could be seen with a white man
He didn't only fight so that a white man or women and a black man or woman can be united as one
He fought the war on discrimination and hate
Martin Luther King Jr. once said
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
Only light can do that
Hate cannot drive out hate;
Only love can do that”
He fought so that every white, black, latino, european, asian, straight, gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgender, pansexual, genderfluid, etc
He gave them all an example, he gave them reason
Reason to continue to fight the war on hate
Dr. King didn't fight by jumping a special needs kid because John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, or Lyndon Johnson became President
Dr. King didn't fight by smashing car windows in
Dr. King didn't fight by shooting up a street corner
Instead Dr. King marched from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, he lead a march to the National Monument in Washington D.C to give his “I have a dream” speech
He didn't kill a single soul for his rights
But we have 12 years old maybe even younger, supporting “Black Lives Matters” where they are causing road blocks, Vandalizing innocent people's property every time a black man is shot by a white cop but when it's the other way around America is quiet
We have people in an uproar because Trump is President
They are smashing car windows and vandalizing other people's properties
We’ve got supremacist that are writing “White Power” on people's property
We’ve got people using racial slurs to one another and starting fights with each other
We have young men as young as 13 doing and carrying drugs with the intent to sell them and packing M9’s
We have parents that teach their kids that it's alright to do these things
We have parents that don't teach their kids that it's not alright to disrespect those older than you
Teaching them that it's okay to sag their pants
We say A change is going to come, but when?
The change starts with you
Its starts when we stand up and do something
It starts when all Christians realize that we all have sin and we end hypocrisy in churches
The change we make needs to be through love instead of hate
We need to look up and realize that we all are created equal
We are the directors of our life
We choose to waste our time with hate
When it is so much easier to spread love
If we choose love instead of hate there will be so much more happiness
Like Martin Luther King Jr. said
“I have decided to stick with love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear”
So make a change
A change from hate to love
Just take a minute to think about if we learned to control ourselves with hate, to love one another, to put down the gun, to lock the discriminatory comments, to show no hate
Instead of laughing at that man living in poverty, while you’re living in gluttony, give him a few bucks, give him hope to better his future, give him a reason to put a smile on his face
Take that young man selling drugs on the street and tell him and show him that it's not his purpose to sell drugs
Show him his way into his future
That man who just proposed to his soon to be husband or that woman who just proposed to her soon to be wife, instead of being homophobic, wish them well on their life journey together
Instead of criticizing man who wished to be a woman, call him up and take him out.
We’ll all come a day where the color of our skin is no longer judge at all
We’ll all come a day where no one is judged by anyone in our lives
We have a choice between love and hate
I don't know about you but I say no hate and choose love

The author's comments:

What inspired me to do this is all that hate that is shown worldwide. We were taught this within our homes and if not inside our homes then with our friends.

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