Barely Human | Teen Ink

Barely Human

April 24, 2017
By PoeticMindGames SILVER, Culpeper, Virginia
PoeticMindGames SILVER, Culpeper, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What happens when the skeleton in your closet is you?
Hanging up your clothes means you were hung.
Dead sounds like alive.
A-live, a life, a dead  man.

What happens when deathbed is just bed?
Sleeping is a word that lost meaning long ago.
A definition that drifted to funeral.
The definition wasn’t even held.

What happens when anger isn’t an emotion but a way of life?
Fury fills your lungs with every breath.
Vengeance is the methodical beat of your heart.
Anger isn’t something you feel.
It’s something you are.
You.  Are.  Anger.

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