Unlocking your door | Teen Ink

Unlocking your door

April 22, 2017

These days I feel like a cat whose been locked in a house,
In fear of being chased by the dogs that Wait outside
Kids now have absolutely no respect for words
They throw around "kill yourself" like it's no big deal
And someday, those words will really effect someone
It pains me to see the things people say everyday
I know that everyone ignores them...
But there will be that one day when someone wont
But we can't just wait until that happens,
Because I'm tired of feeling like that cat...
It's time to unlock your doors and tell them to stop
Tell them that we've had enough of their words
We've had enough of their carelessness
They have never experienced how powerful words can be
Words can cause depression and suicide
They dont understand that words can be brought to life
They manipulate you into thinking you're worthless,
That you have no purpose...
Don't let them do that
They don't know you like you do yourself
Only you can decide where you stand

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