To Dream! | Teen Ink

To Dream!

April 5, 2017
By melmitch BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
melmitch BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To dream is to be on a pursuit,
Of happiness that you want to give to the world,
To the stars you shoot!

To dream is to speak your desired words,
To not be afraid,
While others are cowards, your voice is heard
Because you are brave!

To dream is to imagine,
But also take action
So the life imagined turns into reality,
So you can help the world and yourself, equally

To dream beyond measure
Not bounded by limits
To live your dreams
Is to live what is already within

Dream On!

The author's comments:

Forget what others think. Dream on! Don't do they, do you!

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