Sight | Teen Ink


April 1, 2017
By Vermiliondawn BRONZE, New Haven, Connecticut
Vermiliondawn BRONZE, New Haven, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Days come and go, but memories are forever

As a child having 20/20 vision was a measure of success to me. As if it gave me to the ability to see better than those around me. As I grew up I began to see through all the lies, and because of that I began to realize that perfect sight skewed my perception. My mom once asked "if all of your friends jumped off of a bridge would you jump too?" Crazy because if it came down to it, that's exactly what I'd do. Because as we age we begin to feel as if conformity becomes our only option, so we deny ourselves and turn into a slave of reality. With out realizing that reality is ever changing. Therefore There's no way to predict or understand humans or why our actions occur. With that in mind I am beginning to understand, that in order to understand, while trying to be understanding, Understanding the words of understanding which to my understanding serve to understand me need to be understood in order to gain some understanding. Too much? That's crazy right? No it's insane, Insanity is my only option. It's sickening to know that my insanity serves as a plan B. Now I ask you Which is crazier, being crazy or understanding. I say that for this point, our deepest thoughts from Burnt joints, we understand our world when we're high, it seems like cloud nine is far below, I speak facts to say how far our generation will go. To tell you that the universe and it's reality can so easily be changed as long as your mindset. Your headspace. Yourself are rearranged. You'll be fine bro, just take a hit of this jay. And with that life brings stress and pain. And in the end for all of the strife life brings we are repaid with death. It's crazy, I'm seeing these things now, where before I wouldn't've cared. How my eyes have changed because of the things that I've feared. I was told that with anything I tried I could succeed, but, my success is defined by people who don't even care enough to see. And we're left to let those people tell us we're good enough, so how then can I be free. How does this regard as fate? I'm going insane, Im trying to look at the big picture but I'm just not seeing straight. I now have to proceed with the devilish seeds I've sown, I'm failing my eye test, it's time to go home. It's time to quit and close my eyes. Let this darkness overtake me, that way I do not have to fake, take my mask off and I hope you can relate. let my mind be free, and let these evil thoughts escape from me. At this point there's no reason to fight. I've truly realized, Sometimes you have to go blind in order to gain sight....

The author's comments:

The idea of conformity has always tormented me. It's hard to find your way in a world that dictates, this piece isnto explain my mind's idea of social conformity, and how insane it is to try and understand. I've found that the only way to break this insanity is to go blind to this world mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and open the eyes to something else.

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