My Basket | Teen Ink

My Basket

March 24, 2017
By luke czarnik BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
luke czarnik BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the chains,
swinging back and forth,
waiting to crash.

I am from the metal pole,
strong and sturdy, always upright
with a metal clang.

I am from the metal lollipop
blocking putts,
crushing feelings to a pulp.

I am from the metal basket,
playing defense trying to block a shot,
but also waiting to welcome you in its arms.

I am from my disc,
wobbling through the air, spinning, turning, and falling,
stuck in the ground getting buried forever lost.

I am me,
the thrower, the controller,  the orchestrator, the conductor,
always trying decide the path I will go,
through every twist and turn that is life.

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