So hungry I Could Eat That Horse | Teen Ink

So hungry I Could Eat That Horse

March 24, 2017
By Joey3824 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Joey3824 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m so hungry I could eat a horse

Billy and Sally drove to the farm on a warm summer evening.
Billy saw a horse and thought, I’m hungry!
So hungry I could eat that horse.

He thought it would probably taste salty like beef, and
tough like steak.
So hungry I could eat that horse.

Thinking about delicious greens for the side, he wanted salad.
He thought about choosing between steak and a horse.
So hungry I could eat that horse.

“Why are you looking at the horse like that?” Sally asked.
“It looks so juicy and filling!” said Billy, craving meat. 
So hungry I could eat that horse.

The final decision: steak or horse?
“I won’t actually eat a horse,” said Billy.
So hungry I could eat that horse.

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