The Plains | Teen Ink

The Plains

March 24, 2017
By Alex73 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Alex73 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cold pushes through the box as the ice surrounds it.
Waiting and traveling in a loaded semi,
it’s removed and prepared, ready to be received by the buyer.

The box travels to places to find a locational meaning
It entered a setting from weeks before
It’s removed and prepared, ready to be received by the buyer.

The heat surrounds and encases the box
Turning the box into new shades of brown
It’s removed and prepared, ready to be received by the buyer.

The heat dies and on stiff surface
packages arrives to keep it company
It’s removed and prepared, ready to be received by the buyer.

The boxes is given to its owner, on his plate
The man is ready to eat the steak in front of him
It’s removed and prepared, ready to be given to the buyer.

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