The Untitled Recipient | Teen Ink

The Untitled Recipient

March 22, 2017
By dzh.poem SILVER, Beryl, Utah
dzh.poem SILVER, Beryl, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Write hard and clear about what hurts-"
"You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering,"
-- Ernest Hemingway

You’re literally so amazing, you’re literally the best.
You’re literally so astonishing that you’re incomparable to the rest.
We are so close and that is so great
That I am so lucky to have known you at this rate.
I think we’re kind of awesome, actually.
We kind of fit each other passably.
But… I warned you.
It was the disclosure you knew.
I am dangerous and unaffordable.
An unstable explosive that is equally unsupportable.
I am addictive
And utterly dismissive.
Relinquished with boredom from the toys I carry
In routine restock, my obsessive habit is scary.
I use
I abuse.
The return of my items, of my short lived little avocation
They are the residue of my ADD and “boredom” condemnation.
I am a drug, worse than cocaine.
I am a walking drughouse campaign.
Heroine doesn’t compare
I am breathing warfare
They should lock me up, sign with “BEWARE”
I’m the equivalent of a human nightmare
I can hurt you devastatingly
But withdrawals are worse... excruciatingly.
Once attached, it’s almost undetachable.
Anything you’ve offered me is almost unretractable.
I am the high you get only once in existence.
I highly advise to keep your distance.
Ha, and the irony is I am so audacious that I invite you out to play.
To get you into my warzone and there I can have my way.
You’ll be so high, so euphoric
That the mere sound of my words are rhetoric.
After I have you all primed and splayed as a naked soul
After I have taken your most unmaterialistic pieces and done my toll
After I have drained you of your mysteries and taken your secrets
After I’ve picked you apart and fed you my sweetness
I will drop you
I will have my fill of your vulnerability and obstruct your supply
Your supply to me and the end I cannot describe
(I do not want you to become residue
I do not want a fleeting memory of you)
I am a walking catastrophe
And I am so sorry you are caught in the wreckage of me
Because in short, and plain.
I am terrified of myself and the way I inflict pain.
Don’t fall in love with me…
I am incapable of the love you want it to be

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