Wings | Teen Ink


March 21, 2017
By Thisisreal_life PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
Thisisreal_life PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
48 articles 3 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
"so do it. Decide. Is this the person you want to be? Is this the life you want to live? Is this the best you can be?"
"I survived the fire because the fire within me burns brighter than the one around me"

I know you are hurting
So am I
You're wings are broken,
Borrow mine.
I want to see you shine
And spread your wings
And fly.
You are beautiful darling
So keep your head held high.
I want you to know
That I care.

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This article has 1 comment.

hwoodruff98 said...
on Apr. 9 2017 at 9:53 pm
hwoodruff98, Lititz, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 55 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In a gentle way, you can shake the world." -Mahatma Gandhi

"What will your verse be?" -Dead Poets Society

"Write drunk, edit sober." -Ernest Hemingway

First, a few mechanical edits: -Line 1 should end with a comma -On line 3, it should be "your" -On line 8, it should be "... you are beautiful, darling," (two added commas) Over all, I think this is short, simple, and sweet. Well done.