Because of Caring | Teen Ink

Because of Caring

March 15, 2017
By shishkebab114 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
shishkebab114 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We exist, because we care about each other.
We stand as tall as giants, because we are on each other’s shoulders.
The sky itself is no limit before the strength of our teamwork.
A spring breeze brings autumn rain.
Our lives are our own, and yet they are everyone’s.
For every hand that has helped or hindered leaves an imprint that never fades.
     to be as gentle as the spring breeze,
     to bring sweetness and joy like the harvest rain.
Everyone's life is a miracle,
Everyone's life is invaluable,
Everyone's life is wholly unique and wholly equal in potential.
“Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities.”
Why is this true?
It is true, because we care for each other.
It is true, because we all wish for peace.

The author's comments:

When I was born (at 24 weeks), I only weighed a little more than a pound. The doctor said that it would be a miracle if I lived. When I was learning to walk, the doctor said that it would be a miracle if I could traverse stairs on my own.
Even today, as I still struggle with fine motor coordination and walking, my own perseverance and the aid of others has set me down the path to defeating these difficulties. Second by second, minute by minute, and day by day, my peers and I face the same school struggles and overcome them with the power of teamwork.


I hope that the experiences I have learned from the stories of those around me and the compassion of those who have made my life’s journey special can assist in making yours brighter too. 

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