Acreage | Teen Ink


March 9, 2017
By knemar BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
knemar BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who bought the 460 acres,
whose verdant pastures sparkled,
with a creek that always flowed with beauty,
where Angus cattle always circled?

Who bought the 460 acres,
with black, rich soil,
the soil is as dark as night,
and produced the fruits of our toil?

Who bought the 460 acres,
whose machinery is red,
the silos as tall as skyscrapers,
where the cattle were always fed?

Who bought the 460 acres,
where corn grew tall,
the soybeans waved in the wind,
where it was so beautiful in the fall?

Who bought the 460 acres,
the land contained no weeds,
the corn grew unchallenged,
tilling the land, there was no need?

Who bought the 460 acres,
the cattle yards were scraped clean,
the yards were well bedded,
the steers were not mean?

Who bought the 460 acres,
we may never know,
but I will tell you a secret,
you’ll find out below?

We bought the land right next to home,
we paid too much, that’s right,
but who can pass up a farm right next to home,
I think we’ll be alright.

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