Photos To Remember | Teen Ink

Photos To Remember

March 5, 2017
By TayC. BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
TayC. BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Relaxed afternoon drive with my father

Took my camera and went.


This is a night I can't forget.


Drove up a hill leaving city sounds. 

Deserted and surrounded with houses better than mine,

Sensed the woodsy feeling hanging in the air.

Got a creative inspiration

Trying to be artsy but got nothing but dead trees,

Soon enough we left.


This is a night I can't forget.


Going back to all of the city sounds,

And mistakenly found a dead beach,

But filled with destroyed trees and beautiful graffiti.

Humid air circles around this entire place

Soon enough the city sounds lurks its way toward us,

But our camera shutters overpowers the car honks.

Took pictures about my life,

Destroyed, deserted, and painted over like beautiful graffiti.


This is a night I won't forget.

The author's comments:

The thing that truly inspired me was when I was taking pictures with my father. We went to a hill that literally had nothing to take pictures of but trees. Then, we went to a river downtown that was ruined with fallen trees. Since I am very close to my dad, this was a special personal event that I was able to share with everybody. 

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