Question of a Young First Generation | Teen Ink

Question of a Young First Generation

March 2, 2017
By TRFlash BRONZE, Storm Lake, Iowa
TRFlash BRONZE, Storm Lake, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never change for anyone or anything Flash!" - My NHI Family

The Question of a Young First Generation
That's a question I ask myself often...
Why me?
Why am I, or more like we, my sister's and I, worth so much?
My father, who is quite intelligent indeed,
Is working in a packing house, 1 1/2 hours away,
And my mother,
who is one of the greatest mothers of all,
Is getting another job just so I can go places Near and Far away...
My parents, who I love so dearly, gave up their lives, their futures, for us, my sister's and I...
Why am I worth SO Much?!
And what have I done to prove this worth?


I am a worthless, insignificant piece of trash
That argue, fights, and still expects everything back!

Why didn't my parents,
Who are more intellectually advanced than they seemed,
Waste their future on people like me?

I thought I'd never understand,
and that I never would,
but in the end
When I doubted my self worth,
I asked Why?
Why me, not you?
And they responded.
"Well, you ARE our future!"
"You're our everything!
Our hope, our future, our dreams, to our retirement plan!
You're the reason we keep going, the reason we work so hard!
Everything we do is so that you don't have to follow on the same path as us,
But become something BETTER,
something Great!!!
We came to this country with nothing,
And we still can't provide you with everything,
But in the end you have a roof over your head,
Food in your stomach,
And Getting an education,
Which is more than we had!
We ask for nothing in return, other than this:
Be Happy, and live the life you deserve.

That's all we want to see,
And we'll be proud of the man we believe you can be!
Later the tears started to fall from my eyes,
Now that I realize that, I, no, we, my sister's and I, are the reason why.
So now I only have one goal in life.
To be Happy!
So that I can make my parents proud of the man I hope to be.

The author's comments:

I am simply a first generation latino who is curious why his parents work so hard for my sister and I.

Those, wheather they be first generations or not, that have find a deep connection to this poem on the first read are the ones who understand.


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