Drummond Island | Teen Ink

Drummond Island

March 2, 2017
By CassLBush BRONZE, Wayland, Michigan
CassLBush BRONZE, Wayland, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I long for you island friend
Where I belong
Where I feel like I’m always a part of the group

I say my greetings to once strangers, then friends, now my family.

The bar: Sune’s
The grocery center
The cabins
Pat’s lake
The fossil ledges
The rocky shores

Your Interminable grace, it’s mesmerizing
soft blue flowers appear from nowhere
Having Staring contests with bears on your left
Blue heron snatched up a meal on your right
You are home to so many
Succulent strawberries ready for the taking
You feed us well dear friend
Wild rice beds sway in the wind just along the horizon

Walking through the twisted tangled mess of the evergreens
I hit your warm sand and rocky shore
The water draws me in, a beautiful crystal blue scene
Crawfish dance around my feet as ice cold water surrounds me
As the day is swallowed by the dark of night
I am grateful for all the majesty you possess

I appoint two secure cedar trees to clutch me in my hammock high above the raw ground
Deciding a location is always effortless
I am swiftly rocked into slumber

The sun creeps up the sky
I tumble over on my side to see several loons taking a morning swim
You’ve always been a morning person
The forest soon fills with a parade of noise with you as the conductor

I a grateful houseguest always present you with a gift
Cleaning you of the rare bits of trash left by others
Although you can not compare a raindrop to a shower
I am humbled by your generosity
I take a piece of you home
A pudding stone with rose and emerald flecks 

I will miss you
Until next time my dear island friend

The author's comments:

I travel every summer to Drummond Island and over the years it has become my happy place. There is plenty of wildlife and a small community of friendly people. Drummond is north of the upper peninsula of Michigan, neighboring Canada.

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Lynxgirl said...
on Mar. 11 2017 at 9:21 pm
Amazing and so happy to have her as an aquaintence!