Brazy | Teen Ink


March 6, 2017
By cg8899 BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
cg8899 BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine you’re in an eight-year-old’s body
Influenced by every little thing
Your family, your friends, tv personalities

Now imagine coconut head from Ned’s Declassified
Now you are me
An 8 year old boy with a near bowl cut
What an amazing time

Imagine having the strongest neck muscles in the world from constantly flipping your hair out of your eyes
Imagine having to wear a skull cap to keep the hair out of your eyes during football games
Imagine not caring about any if this
Imagine you feel like you’re walking on water you think you’re so cool
WHAT a feeling
You can feel the wind blowing through your hair like Pocahontas

Imagine pulling all the hunnies
That wasn’t me
Imagine not having a crick in your neck 24/7
That wasn’t me
Imagine keeping this glorious mane until you were 14
That was me

The author's comments:

My long, lucious, glorious mane I had until Freshman year.

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