Immigrants | Teen Ink


February 23, 2017
By Testarosa SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Testarosa SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment


Boycott taking place

People protesting for my race

But what are we trying to chase

If the president isn’t even in our place

No school, no work, what are we trying to prove

I understand they don’t respect but that was a pretty bold move

Growing up was up was a struggle, only a few will relate

It’s cruel how the country operates

I grew up with 3 sisters and a single mom, and a dad passed away

I come home and pray for better days

Am just 16 years old, just trying to make it through

But this new president won’t even last a day in my shoes

He really thinks this country is his

But my people will do every they can to keep America how it is

I hope this simple message, takes a big step towards our progess

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 11 2017 at 2:51 pm
Testarosa SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment
awsome poem.