Love Yourself | Teen Ink

Love Yourself

February 9, 2017
By TaraB. BRONZE, Highland Village , Texas
TaraB. BRONZE, Highland Village , Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have to know your worth in order to get what you want".

I saw you walk on by, peering at me from head to toe with loathe in your eyes, as if you were pointing out the most obvious flaws that mark my body.

I knew you once and I never quite understood you. You had a negative impact against people that seem to be filled with light and love.

I heard you once say to me, "Tara, you're the definition of perfection" when I felt ashamed of all my flaws. Now all you do is look at me with loathe in your eyes, as if you were trying to take the light out of me.

I now know why you try to take the light out of people's happiness. You're the one who isn't happy with your life. I was the girl with "the way with words" and that made you feel vulnerable when you tried to speak how you feel.

I hope that you know that what I did was for what's best and that maybe someday you'll eventually learn to love yourself.

The author's comments:

The girl I'm taking about in this poem inspired me to write this. 

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