what is love? | Teen Ink

what is love?

February 28, 2017
By Anonymous

what is love?

for the bachelors its a prize to be won

for the observers its entertaining, its fun

what is love?

for the orphan its non-existent

for the family its never distant

what is love?

for the romantics its the meaning of life.

for the victims its like a knife.

what is love?

for the country it is pride.

for the worldits hard to dsescribe.

what is love?

for the wife its a gift.

for the husband its like a gearshift.

what is love?

for the brother its irreplaceable.

for the sister its unfathomable.

what is love?

what is love to everyone?

love is something that can unite.

love is the human right.

The author's comments:

love can be alot of things a blessing or a curse but one things for sure it was meant for everyone its the human right.

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This article has 1 comment.

Patrick82432 said...
on Mar. 5 2017 at 11:37 pm
Patrick82432, Cheektowaga, New York
0 articles 0 photos 45 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Where voice had failed
my pen prevailed
and like the winds, became a gale"


Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. no more. I'm sorry, I had to, but the title drew me to this piece and I'm glad it did. It's an amazing piece and I love it! keep writing! also, you may want to proofread just to make sure the spelling is alright. Not criticism, jut letting you know!