What A Colorful World | Teen Ink

What A Colorful World

February 15, 2017
By mcahlgren SILVER, Chicago , Illinois
mcahlgren SILVER, Chicago , Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The blush color of your cheeks is so specific,
I'd know it anywhere.
Your bittersweet lips make me melt like the mango tango sky.
Your Caribbean green eyes make me smile as big as the horizon.

The sky blue clouds mix with the thistle clouds to make a perfect sky blue pink.
Just like us, complete opposites make a perfect match.
They make something beautiful,
Something you can only see if you blend them together.

The day we watched the sunset over the skyscrapers was my favorite.
People passed and shared soft smiles with us.
Other people watching the same sunset were envious of our laughs.
To me, you are perfect,
To you, I am yours.
Forever, we will be the perfect match.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired and written for the guy who showed me the true colors of this, sometimes colorless, world. 

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