Society | Teen Ink


February 11, 2017
By CBWeisse BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
CBWeisse BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Here is the place where society crawls,
Deeper and deeper into the dark hole.
Evil and corruption are swarming its people
And there’s no way in hell we’ll pass through this toll.


Words of hate and envy are told
Yet no words of encouragement or compassion shown.
We teach our children selfishness
And that’s how they’ve grown.


In this terrible place, I have seen no good
Since our community has been nothing but s***;
S*** people, s*** personalities, s*** behavior.
No good is found anywhere in this dark pit.

But then you came into my life
And I knew that you’d make this world greater.
You came to teach us love
And no, not to make us haters.


“I have something planned for you”, he said.
“Something absolutely breath taking”.
He gave me a kiss and told me to go to mass
to heal my heart which was aching.


Then, he vanished.


So, I went to church and found all these people
On their knees as they bowed to something.
I couldn’t see him so I didn't know
Why they were praying.


The priest came to me and smiled saying,
“Welcome home brother!”
With tears of joy I found out something that day
That man, that I had met, changed my life forever and took off my veil and cover.


I saw the good side of the earth;
The trees, grass and wind dust.
All the sin, temptation and evil had vanished;
Vanity, greed and lust.


Three years after my discovery of the man,
I went back to the very same priest.
I asked him, “Who the man was and
Why did he decide to raise me from the deceased?”


The priest looked at me
with pride in his eyes.
“Brother, you have been corrupted by
All these lies”.


I turned to him with tears of hurt and betrayal.
How could all these people lie to me?
Society is corrupt with all these phonies
And yet this war between good and evil wont leave me be.

“Who was that man”, I asked him again.
He said, “Well, that was our lord and savior”?“Savior?”, I asked. “What did he save me from?
From all this evil, sin and behavior?”


The priest nodded and it was as if heaven appeared
Through the beam of light shown from the roof.
I realized that man was Jesus and he came to save you and me
And I didn't need any of that proof.


Is society corrupt? Yes.
Is there evil in this world? Yes.
Is there sin in this world? Yes.
Is there temptation in this world? Yes.
Is there lust in this world? Yes.
Is there poverty in this world? Yes.
Is there vanity in this world? Yes.
Is there greed in this world? Yes.




Is there love in this world? Yes.
Is there hope in this world? Yes.
Is there compassion in this world? Yes.
Is there courage in this world? Yes.
Is there happiness in this world? Yes.
Is there beauty from within people in this world? Yes.
Is there kindness in this world? Yes.
Is there faith in this world? Yes.

All of the bad is squished by the good.
All of the evil is conquered by the just.
All of the negative is ripped apart by the positive.
All of the wrong is torn by the right.

You see?
Sure there is sin and temptation here
But Jesus came to take those sins away from us
And, we must see the goodness and kindness which is always near

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