Why Does the Old Man Blink? | Teen Ink

Why Does the Old Man Blink?

February 9, 2017
By RachelSchwartz GOLD, Lakeland, Florida
RachelSchwartz GOLD, Lakeland, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every night, I sit and think
Why does the old man blink?
His eyes are hard to open
And his lungs can barely breathe


Yesterday, I saw him shrink
Why does the old man blink?
His back is hard to straighten
And his lungs can barely breathe


Today, I watched him whistling
Why does the old man blink?
His lips are hard to move
And his lungs can barely breathe


Now, I see him relinquishing
Why does not the old man blink?
His body has been used
And his lungs can no longer breathe

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