Emotional Drug | Teen Ink

Emotional Drug

February 3, 2017
By Batman_01_cool BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Batman_01_cool BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I write to give my self strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of." -Joss Whedon

Why did I choose to stay with you?
A love so intoxicated
That ran through my veins.
Passing through my lungs,
The one that lowered and raised as I call your name.
Passing through my brain,
Where my every thought is of you,
Passing through my heart,
Filling it with a feeling unknown to me.


Like any good drug,
It took me to the places I wanted to be.
Like any addictive drug,
It wore down quickly,
Me craving more of it.


It is something that I wanted,
Yet I know I shouldn't have it.
I feel like I can take it, all of it,
And it led me to an overdose.


An overdose filled with trauma,
Where I let you damage me.


The overdose that took me to the hospital.
Being seen in my strip naked body,
Covered in shades that aren't mine,
Made me realized I've forgotten who I am.


Now the only drugs I take are for the pain,
The pain you caused me on the outside.
Despite those drugs they only heal from the outside.
Those broken tissues that filled my heart can't be healed.
For no amount of drugs can heal emotional tears in my soul.

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