A Letter for You | Teen Ink

A Letter for You

January 23, 2017
By Mewkura BRONZE, Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania
Mewkura BRONZE, Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What confounds me the most is the crisis of human self awareness | At the core of existence is insignificance

   To my Dearest,

Tell me the fashion of which you swayed the motion of my heart
Forced me to come forward with brave proclamations
That very well, may have been the end of my life.

Yet, for you, my heart races like time has no meaning
and the gravity of our souls attract our very beings to one another.

We are planets, our hearts their gigantic masses
in the ever lasting space that fills the world with empty.

The weight which we carry throughout this universe is strenuous
so why, pray tell, why do we offer our cores as presents?

Simply put, the beings we are have chosen the path
of which brings us the most bliss from the most agony.

The utterings of the mind whisper that we have sinned
and for contentedness, we must repent; but must we?

If my soul resonates with yours, who is anyone to deny me
from the right that was bestowed upon my being?

The looming presence of death always eludes my vision
when I look for it, wary of its grasp

But when you are close to my being
worry slips out of my reach and I sink into you in bliss

It is, with the combination of my heart, my head, and my soul
that I bring you this

The words of which I shall leave you whenever I am gone
May they bless you with a joyous swelling in the chest when they are read
Oh, what I would forfeit for words of a similar caliber written back to me.

With utmost love,    
   Your Dearest

The author's comments:

Inspired by a love I once had

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