Existence | Teen Ink


January 29, 2017
By DichterKJ SILVER, West Des Moines, Iowa
DichterKJ SILVER, West Des Moines, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

we don’t live for a chapter;
we live for a story.
we don’t live for a poem;
we live for poetry.
we don’t live for simply moments;
we live for all of human existence.


the hate of a thousand wars,
the love of a thousand hearts,
the depression of our dark mental caverns,
the ecstasy of those caverns filled by physical pleasure.


to twist it all and say we live for one side
is to discredit the power of the other.
for without yin, there can be no yang;
and while one may taste sweeter than the other,
we must remember them both or else
everything just becomes monochromatic.


we don’t live for simply moments;
we live for all of human existence.

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