The Battle | Teen Ink

The Battle

January 10, 2017
By ekrede GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
ekrede GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“This is disgusting.” said Organization.
“Who cares? Your friends are waiting!” said Impulse.
Responsibility replies, “Your friends can wait.”
“Why does it matter?” Thoughtless stated.

I needed to make a decision,
a tidy room or a movie with friends.

“The answer is obvious.”
Organization and Responsibility whispered in my ear.

Thoughtless and Impulse had different ideas,
“Your mom’s mad now, a two hour movie won’t change that.”

As the conflicting comments continued,
A compromise was made.
I was late to the movie,
but at least my room was clean.

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