the countdown | Teen Ink

the countdown

January 6, 2017
By Thisisreal_life PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
Thisisreal_life PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
48 articles 3 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
"so do it. Decide. Is this the person you want to be? Is this the life you want to live? Is this the best you can be?"
"I survived the fire because the fire within me burns brighter than the one around me"





Time is running out. tick.

nobody is around.



Someone is coming.

I must hurry


Tick. Tick. Tick.

Footsteps approaching.

I am not going to make it, I Will fail.

One last breath.


Tick. Tick. Tick.

Hurry! Grab the blade!


One quick swipe, nice and deep.



                  Time has run out.

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This article has 1 comment.

hwoodruff98 said...
on Apr. 12 2017 at 8:11 pm
hwoodruff98, Lititz, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 55 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In a gentle way, you can shake the world." -Mahatma Gandhi

"What will your verse be?" -Dead Poets Society

"Write drunk, edit sober." -Ernest Hemingway

Wow. This is a very dark and intense poem. I liked the repetition of ticks and how the last second it cut off. Here are my suggestions: Lines 1 & 2: here, your "ticks" are in all caps, but elsewhere they are italicized and in lowercase. For the sake of continuity, I would suggest you pick one format and stick to it. If you want the poem to have a more violent, dangerous feel, I would stick with all caps. Line 3: I would put "tick" on its own line. Line 10: "I will fail" should be its own line as well Line 11: I think the word "final" would sound better in this context, especially because it creates alliteration with "fail" Line 15: I would format it one of three ways: "TICK, TICK, TICK!" "TICK! TICK! TICK!" or "TICKTICKTICK!" I wouldn't put the commas in and take out the spaces. If the point was to create a sense of urgency, the "ticks" running together without spaces or punctuation would be best, I think. Line 19: I would align "time has run out" with the rest of the poem instead of having it centered. Once again, continuity is important. Over all, it was a nice piece. Keep writing!