Two Beautiful Babies | Teen Ink

Two Beautiful Babies

January 9, 2017
By Morgan1124 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Morgan1124 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who melt me. I am the only one who challenges them.
Two beautiful babies with squishy cheeks and long hair like mine.
Two who are always loved here and there.
Two perfect gifts given by the lord.
From his room, we can hear them, and Paul just wakes up and goes to get them.
Their language is coded.
They give endless hugs throughout the day.
They crawl forwards and they crawl backwards and hold my hair in between their small fingers but chew the strands with tiny teeth and always soothes their sadness.
This is how they sleep.
Let one forget her toy for another, they both fight like kids in a class. Each with their hands swinging at each other.
Sleep, sleep, sleep they stay when I come in.
They laugh.
When I am too sad and too stressed to sleep, when I am a small nothing against so many people, then it is I look at the girls.
When they are awake up stairs I go.
Two who laugh even though their sick.
Two who walk and often forget to balance.
Two whose only reason is to love and be loved.

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