Found | Teen Ink


December 14, 2016
By sydnmcasw BRONZE, Hope Valley, Rhode Island
sydnmcasw BRONZE, Hope Valley, Rhode Island
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Running, Running down the hall you see him,
Hitting the fiery red alarm as he goes,
No, the screaming noise, warning of the fire.
Go! Go! The yells from the teachers,
Urging their students to leave,
Crowds fill the hallway,
Boom! I hit the ground with a painful crash,
Through the library door, I see it,
The fire burning brightly,
Almost as loud as the alarms.
The piles of glossy magazines,
Gone into the flames,
Watching them burn,
Page by page the fire takes charge,
The magazines are gone,
Their glossy pages reading words like “Happy” and “News,”
Are now engulfed in sadness,
Hope rushing through my body, I rise,
Looking for an exit I see it,
The glint of a zipper,
The holder,
Sealing together a gray flannel jacket,
Looking down at the beauty of the silver zipper,
Oh, to have the strength to hold on,
Grabbing the jacket I am running,
I wrap myself in the warmth and run,
Down the hallway I see it,
The glint of the sunshine outside,
I run, blocked by a chair,
What once was a beautiful green wool,
Was now a black char,
The elegant polished oak,
Burned to coal,
I see the beauty of what was once a chair,
The life of what was once a sheep, or a breathing tree,
I see it,
The beauty of what was,
I jump, clearing the chair, the flames licking my shoes,
The sweet smell of the fresh spring air,
Out, safe, free

The author's comments:

The exhilaration of freedom and panic of the fire. Found shows the hope of life and the freedom of survival.

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