About you | Teen Ink

About you

December 12, 2016
By MielVicBoss BRONZE, Foristell, Missouri
MielVicBoss BRONZE, Foristell, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to know
What you are thinking
When there’s nothing much to say.
I want to know your thoughts.
What do you think about the sunset…?
About the pinks, the violets, and the yellows that fill your sapphire eyes?
What did you think about that painting?
The one that I dedicated to you?
What did it make you feel…?
Was it strange that I found inspiration when I gazed upon your face?
Or did you see my feeling pouring out- 
Bleeding into those hues with the words I am at a loss to say…?
I replayed the day in my mind,
Replayed the day we watched the sunset together
Bathed in the golden sunlight that reflected off the golden strands of your hair.
And I wanted to know what you were thinking.
What was in your mind when you gazed into the distance in our silent conversation?
I could see from your eyes that you were lost somewhere in there,
Thinking about things you couldn’t bring yourself to say,
And I was lost in that scene- just wondering if you knew
That for all the poems and the stories I’ve written,
You’ve been my motivation…
And I wanted to share you with the world that I know,
Even if it makes me seem like a fool
Because they’ll never be able to relate
For people will never be able to understand
Things that they can’t experience for themselves.
They won’t understand how hard it is for me to put it down on paper
without the perfect words to describe it for them.
But I’ll make a fool of myself because I’m going to tell them now
That you’re not there for me when I needed you to be
And in this world I’m on my own with the vivid memory of you
When you first found me in the haze of a dreary dream.

The author's comments:

About You was a dream where I met a person who didn't ask me who I was and didn't ask me anything at all. I've always had a hard time relating to my classmates. They have always seemed to ask me questions that I found were hard to answer for myself. Even if they were about myself and who I am. Speaking my mind is entirely a different kind of challenge. Now I know that sometimes the best answer isn't always the one you can give. That's the true meaning behind About You.

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