Crashing | Teen Ink


November 15, 2016
By ObeyMexican SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
ObeyMexican SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tears coming down like the waves crashing
Sad drops fall from her side entering the collar shirt
Drowning in her own tears
Mad that i couldn’t help
Pain hits me in every place on my body like being wrapped in a blanket of nails
Makeup fades away like when the puddles clear up
Still red as a fire ball, having that rage that won’t go away
Trying to forgive himself for what he has done
Leave us like leaving a puppy outside
As the time flys nothing has happen still
Think he might just forgot us like when he forgets his phone in the car
Sad that other people care for us more than he ever did
Thinking will he come back, like hoping for you cat comes back home
Trying hard to not to hate him, like when people hate doing homework
He is the hurricane that knocked everything down that's in his path  
But them are pure like a wedding day
They are like monkeys in a cage,
Still have this gref as i'm only a kid
Trying my hardest, like my mom when she? down

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