I'm on the Run | Teen Ink

I'm on the Run

November 15, 2016
By Anonymous

Oh no, catch Cami, she's on the run,
My mom says as she's telling herself,
No more kids after this one.
Who knew a tiny child, could cause so much happiness,
but also so much stress, at the same time.
Someone stop her she's getting into stuff,
These goddamn children, and their terrible twos.
Don't you dare, run across that street
Please just keep those feet still.
Not just terrible twos, now it’s threatening threes.
When will these naughty times stop?
Shes running out that back door,
When will she stop.
Jim, you're never home.
Jim I need help around here.
Jim wake up.
Jim the kids miss you.
Jim where were you all night…
Daddy why is mom crying?
I’m starting to understand now.
The fan hits the wall now.
Moms crying every day now.
My brother and sister are nice to me now.
Dads been away for a while now.
I wish I could fix things now.
I blame myself now.
My parents split, it's become a normality.
Split weeks.
Split holidays.
Split lifes.
But a trio of three. Me and my siblings still strong together.
Protecting each other.
Eight, nine, ten,
Moms re-marrying again.
A man with a bite worse than his bark.
The yelling never stops.
My moms wearing those long neck tops.
Yelling, screaming, fighting.
Moms crying,
Moms remarried once again.
Dads drinking again.
The fan hits the wall now.
I’m crying everyday now.
My brother and sister are gone now.
I’m never home now.
But I don’t blame myself anymore.
Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,
I cause so much happiness, no more stress.
I’m the princess.
But I can't keep my feet still, I will keep running.
Running from my fears, with no more tears.
I’m known as the sweetheart queen, growing, and am loved by everyone.
But I’m still running, running for my dreams.
Almost eighteen...
My mom's crying, but for good reasons this time.
I’m ready to leave, onto newer, better things.
I’m on the run. 

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