Temptation Won | Teen Ink

Temptation Won

October 31, 2016
By AbiM.Martin SILVER, Ozark, Missouri
AbiM.Martin SILVER, Ozark, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Don't scar your child

and mess with their mind

by having them find

your unconscious drugged body.


Their eyes widen, seeing

the couch is a coffin

that is swallowing you up,

6 feet under.


Footsteps pound on the hardwood

floor, not sounding to them as

their own. Falling to their knees,

they gaze at you confused.


Too young to know,

not too young to care.

Panic siezes them.

You look too still and pale.


They stand on wobbly legs,

growing mentally before your

closed eyes. They exit the house.

The kindly neighbors help your child,

Because you were too weak

and selfish to ignore the temptation.

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