Like a Lion | Teen Ink

Like a Lion

October 26, 2016
By MarinaLeVarn BRONZE, Vail, Colorado
MarinaLeVarn BRONZE, Vail, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

It starts a kitten purring growing to a lion’s roar,
stalking like a hunter, following constantly, never to rest.
When it ceases it comes back worse and more.
A constant struggle, to stay ahead of the lion.

To eat brings relief, to an aching stomach swollen.
After comes fear, the hunt is back on.
You do anything to eat, even if what you do is stolen.
Clinging to your life knowing tomorrow may not come.

Stay awake at night, wishing for your mother,
knowing that without you though she is doing better.
The lion always with you, like a constant lover,
wishing it would leave you, so you may sleep in peace.

Knowing others have problems you also have dealt with,
their own lions, or panthers clawing and scratching.
Some have survived others been bitten, a sweet kiss goodbye.
But all who have encountered the lion have not left his grasp unscathed.

The author's comments:

This piece is about hunger and how it can affect people and their lives. Hunger in this poem is metaphorically displayed as a lion to compare to. 

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on Nov. 9 2016 at 3:02 pm
hourtohour GOLD, Edwards, Colorado
16 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
From what we can not hold the stars are made.
W.S Merwin

Wow what a metaphor! How deep and insightful.