Heaven, Hell, and the Real Purgatory | Teen Ink

Heaven, Hell, and the Real Purgatory

October 10, 2016
By jdweng BRONZE, Harrisonburg, Virginia
jdweng BRONZE, Harrisonburg, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The biting switchblade slips itself in between my ribs
Not tearing into my flesh like a wild animal
but a slow, methodical piercing of my outer casing
Boiling blood drips onto the cool, dark tile
gathering in the uneven dips of the warehouse floor
My consciousness slowly evaporates like steam coiling from a toasty mug of bitter, black coffee
Where does this part of me go?

A sunrise you gaze upon and admire as much as you desire without going blind
The tender touch of a child’s supple hand on your forearm as they beg for your attention
The soft tickle of a loved one’s warm breath on your neck
The sweet, creamy experience of cookie dough ice cream as soon as it makes contact with your taste buds
The feeling of bliss when you see your companion’s glossy, squinted eyes and a smile that melts your soul as you surprise her with sweet, toasty snickerdoodles, as warm as your feelings for her

A war with no winners
Fire shrieking, begging you to be its fuel
The look of anguish on a face as cancer gradually overtakes the body
A heart shattered into broken pieces like ice dropped onto unforgiving pavement

The real Purgatory
In between Heaven and Hell
No purpose
No drive to do what is holy
What is this purgatory?
What is between Heaven and Hell?
It’s simple

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