Bruises | Teen Ink


October 12, 2016
By raybec8 SILVER, Newark, Delaware
raybec8 SILVER, Newark, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Braised, indented

Eyes have been opened by swelling shut.

My body looks rotten.

I am grounded: I thought I was grounded,

A part of the world I am. 

Stare and question where I come from,

or, more where I am going.

I have to move on, to the earth or below? 

The memory is sore and worn;

The beauty marks on my skin. 

My skin and I crawl to recovery, 

my knees are scraped in the progress

and I need to escape this process.

I'm numb to the touch.

The core is pulsating, limbs could be breaking.

I am no longer rooted indefinitely,

in fact,

I was barely planted. 

Carved hearts remain as slates are abused.

Scarred and forgotten,

but everything seems to be new. 

The thirst for a raindrop, reaching toward the light 

Far from enlightened. 

Twisting, yearning, then wilting.

Sinking lower and lower as I grow taller and taller.

Branching out and becoming;

And then I am barren. 

A part of the world I still am, 

And indeed, but how am I a part of something 

If that something does not know what it needs?

Continue on, you'll prosper. 

At least you're bruising. 

The author's comments:

No one can understand what struggles you are going through, and sometimes neither can you. You endure all of this pain but for what reasons? However, being uprooted may help your plans. The last line teases on society, saying "at least you're okay." which can be cliche but does need to be said. 

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